I recently heard about a doctor who has a prescription pad which is used to prescribe 10 remedies for happiness. He name is Dr. Leif Hass and he is part of Sutter Health in the San Francisco Bay Area. He wrote an article in the Greater Good Magazine called “10 Happiness Practices a Doctor Prescribes to His Patients”
Written during the Pandemic he shares “With the help of the Greater Good Science Center, I and a few colleagues at Sutter Health in the Bay Area have started giving “old school” paper prescriptions to do things that we all understand are good for us and for which there is sound scientific evidence.”
The article shows the prescription pad, the activities for happiness and the reasoning behind their usage.
Can you imagine receiving the prescription or you giving a prescription to a friend or loved-one who needs a lift and some encouragement.
But wait, there’s more….
The Greater Good Magazine is filled with articles, videos, podcasts, and much more focusing on Mind and Body, Relationships, Workplace Issues, Parenting and Family and a whole list of topics around the Keys to Well Being. They even have a monthly “Happiness Calendar” with daily activities to practice if you like. The Magazine is totally free and there are ways to donate to the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley to keep their mission alive and well.
There are some products for sale and some paid courses and events available too.
Now, here’s my prescription – you are unique, you are worthy, you are fantasic – go and re-watch the validation movie, hug a tree, jump in a puddle, sing in the shower, make funny faces in the mirror – while you give yourself a high-five, “follow your bliss” (Joseph Campbell), and slow down enough to take-in everything around you and make this day and every day super special!
Here are the links to the current and past months of the “Happiness Calendar”
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
Now… get going, and be happy!